There are around 7,151 General Practice surgeries in Australia that are made up of corporate, small group and private practices. Working within these are a mix of General Practitioners and Specialists, Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and other healthcare professionals such as Pharmacists and Podiatrists.
MIMS understands the diverse needs of those who work in this environment and this understanding ensures we provide Australia’s most complete medicines reference together with patient counselling tools and evidence based drug interactions in the most accessible manner.
Accessing this information when needed is vital for these professionals and so we deliver our information in different ways; directly to the doctor’s desk top within prescribing software, in print , online, via CD and of course mobile applications for smartphones.
We know you’re busy because, as one of the 29,800 General Practitioners (GP) in Australia, you provide over a 100 million consultations each year. 90% of Australians consult their GP at least once a year which means on average each of you is seeing 124 patients every week. When you work like that time is at premium so no wonder you demand medicines information when and where you need it.
MIMS has been supporting your prescribing for almost 50 years and we believe we’ve changed with you; ensuring you can access your MIMS within your prescribing software, (MIMS Integrated), in print (MIMS Abbreviated, MIMS Annual), online (MIMS Online), via CD (eMIMS) and of course mobile applications for smartphones (MIMS Mobile) and iPhones,iPad and iTouch (iMIMS).
As more Nurse Practitioners move out of hospitals and into primary care your medicines information needs are changing. You will be familiar with MIMS Online from your hospital days but if you’re looking for more content to support your patient counselling you should take a look at eMIMS.
Being able to find which medications you can prescribe takes on even more importance now so you will be pleased to know that both eMIMS and MIMS Online have all your medications flagged so you can be confident in your prescribing decision.
If you’re a Nurse Practitioner on the move you might find our mobile applications for smartphones and tablets meet your needs better.
Allied Health
If you are one of Australia’s 90,000 allied health professionals, who work alongside doctors and nurses providing health care then you will understand just how prescription and complimentary medications your patients are taking can influence their wellbeing. If you have prescribing rights then you will value the content in all MIMS products, be that in a print or digital format.
But for all of you it is our drug interactions with will add value to your practice. eMIMS offers you evidence based drug/herb interactions and is resource rich with content to support your ongoing clinical knowledge as well as providing you with patient centric content to use every day within your practice.
If you’re a practitioner on the move you might find our mobile applications for smartphones and tablets meet your needs better.