Our database product, MIMS Integrated is embedded in the partner’s software and is currently utilised by over 70 software vendors in the Australian market working across both acute and community clients. These data then form an integral part of software for prescribing, dispensing and administering of medications.
We understand that medication decision support systems aren’t exactly ‘plug and play’, which is why we go beyond the development and maintenance of drug knowledge to focus on building problem-solving partnerships that have stood the test of time.
If you want to develop a system that is powered by an intuitive, targeted and actionable medicines knowledge base that supports safer clinical decisions, promotes patient safety and better outcomes then talk to us now or simply complete our Developer Application Form and we will contact you straight away.
If your goal is to sell overseas into Asia and Europe we can help you there with local data as well so please, do get in touch and talk to us about what you want achieve. We will work with you by helping you meet the right people to work with you in your chosen countries.
With the proposed integration of the Australian Medicine Terminology (AMT) codes into this data set, we will see interoperability of data throughout the eHealth chain.
Being a MIMS partner really is just that and we‘ll be with you every step of the way before during and after you launch to support your growth and end user experience.
To contact the MIMS Data Integration team please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To contact the MIMS Data Integration team please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.