Client Services
1800 800 629

Including much more information than the first eMIMS of 17 years ago, and with the ability to find it faster than ever, New eMIMS has been developed to meet the needs of our current users.

New eMIMS continues to be the trusted resource you know and love and remains your complete guide to Product Information, Consumer Medicine Information, Product Images, Drug Interactions and PBS restrictions and pricing for all registered medicines in Australia.


eMIMS is now available with a choice of platform so, you can choose your digital medicines information software that best meets your needs.

eMIMSCloud - internet-based and can be accessed from wherever you are on any internet abled device.

eMIMS Classic - downloaded to sit on your hard drive from a DVD.



eMIMS Classic

Internet based


Loaded to hard drive via DVD


Content updated monthly

Requires licence key


Requires user name and log in


*MAC compatible


Tablet accessible


Touch screen compatible


IMgateway drug, herb and food interactions module available

Don't Rush to Crush from the SHPA


Because we know not everyone has reliable internet, it is clear that some of our customers need software that sits on their hard drive; eMIMS provides you with that choice.

Simple and intuitive functionality delivered in a manner that meets your needs has made eMIMS Australia’s preferred medicines information software for almost 20 years.

Now, our loved eMIMS Classic is supported by the new eMIMSCloud.

Still recommended text by the Pharmacy Board of Australia. The content includes current Australian Product and Consumer Medicine Information, up-to-date PBS restrictions and pricing and a comprehensive evidence-based Drug Interactions database. With additional links to TGA safety bulletins, NPS RADAR and NPS Medicines Update articles; eMIMS is one of MIMS’ richest resources, placing current medicines information, patient care information and clinical tools at your fingertips.

In the new eMIMSCloud you will find additional content such as tools and calculators to help you make decisions based on evidence based parameters.

NEW! Drug Allergy interactions checker is now in eMIMSCloud.

Request a FREE TRIAL of eMIMSCloud This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 1800 800 629

The FREE TRIAL includes the optional add-on modules Don’t Rush to Crush and IMgateway drug herb interactions. These two optional add-on modules are sold separately.

Version 4 of SHPAs Don’t Rush to Crush in eMIMSCloud

The fourth edition includes more than 590 oral medicines, with 40 new monographs added, as well as new sections on oral liquids and thickness testing and gastrointestinal dysfunction:

  • About oral liquids and thickness testing provides information that is helpful when considering the safest option for a person with swallowing difficulties. For some people, the thickness of liquids or food is the most important factor to consider. Over 100 oral liquid medicines have been tested using the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) testing methods and the resulting thickness levels are included in the monographs.
  • About gastrointestinal dysfunction provides guidance about the important factors to consider when giving medicines to people who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery, or who have altered gastrointestinal function.

The IMgateway Drug Herb and Food and Supplement interaction database is included as an optional extra in eMIMS. This unique interactions data base has been developed by Sydney University and is an ideal resource for Pharmacists, General Practitioners, Health Care Professionals and Students. Click here to find out more.

Links to your Dispensing Software?

  FRED Dispense Plus FRED Dispense minfos Amfac Aquarius
eMIMS Classic      

SUBSCRIBE TODAY - call our Customer Services Team on 1800 800 629 or visit
our e-Store





eMIMS Cloud is sold as named users however large organisations can negotiate IP Address control if it is technically available.
One user allows you to access eMIMS Cloud in one browser session only. If you require more than one session to be open at the same time, for example on multiple PCs, then you need to purchase a user for each session required.
The User ID is the email address. One User ID can have multiple users, for example, if you purchase 5 users then 5 people can share the same User ID and logon at the same time. Alternatively each of the 5 people can have their own User ID.
You can nominate someone to be the administrator for your organisation, who can add, change and delete users as required.

With eMIMS Cloud there is nothing to install or update – your costs in maintaining the Cloud version are lower than the Desktop version.

Scenario 1: A Pharmacy requires eMIMS Cloud to be open on two dispensing PCs at the same time – the pharmacy needs to purchase two users.

Scenario 2: A Pharmacy requires eMIMS Cloud access on two PCs but not at the same time – the pharmacy can buy one user and share it between the two PCs however, the user must remember logoff each session when finished so that it is available for the other PC.

IP Address: For an IP Address range, you must purchase a copy for each device (PC, laptop or tablet) accessing eMIMS as part of day to day business processing/workflow. The formula for calculating the number of copies required is one device in the IP range equals one copy.

Access eMIMS directly from an industry standard web browser (requires an active internet connection).
The following Web Browsers are supported:

Supplier Web Browser Version (or later)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
Mozilla Firefox 18
Apple Safari 6
Google Chrome 24


eMIMS Classic

eMIMS Classic can be installed on a network or single PC/laptop. You will be provided with a license key which will activate your subscription.

You do not need to logon to eMIMS Classic – you simply need to open it and leave it open during working hours.

MIMS will provide you with a DVD in April August and December; monthly medicines information updates need to be manually downloaded and installed for months other than when you receive a DVD.

eMIMS Classic requires a license key. MIMS will provide your license key with the DVD.

eMIMS Classic can be installed on a desktop or laptop with one of the following Operating Systems:

Supported Platforms
Windows Vista or later

Your PC should meet the following minimum specification:

Component Requirement
Computer Pentium Dual Core 1.6 GHz x86 or x64-bit CPU
Memory 2 GB
Hard disk 5 GB
Display 1366 x 768
.Net version 4.0 or later



Monthly Updates: Currency of medicines information is an imperative for safe prescribing and dispensing. The MIMS editors make well over 170 changes to the MIMS medicines information each month. These include:

  • New PIs and CMIs
  • Safety Related changes
  • Deleted Products

MIMS Australia strongly recommends you maintain the currency of your medicine’s information by ensuring you update your eMIMS every month.

Please be aware that the Software License to which you have agreed states that the license to use eMIMS transfers automatically to each new issue while your subscription remains current.
Use of expired data is therefore un-licensed use.

If you would like to view our monthly update newsletter each month please click here.



No updates are required by you.
MIMS keep the cloud-based service up to date with monthly updates scheduled by the first day of each month.


eMIMS Classic

The eMIMS Classic application installation includes default MIMS database and content. MIMS data updates are published at the beginning of each month and it is essential that your MIMS data is kept up to date. These monthly updates will always be available for download on this page.

When updates are available for your convenience MIMS will provide you with an email each month to notify you that the updated information is available for download from the website. Simply click on the link within this email and it will take you the update page on our website. MIMS will provide the DVD three times per year: in April, August and December.


  The only way to make sense of change, is to plunge in and have a go. So why not take to some time to find out how to get the very best from the new eMIMSCloud

We all learn in different ways so we have given you some different ways to learn. These guides will help you find your way around and understand how simple it is to find information.

We also offer webinar training for corporate groups – to find out more please contact the Client Services Team on 1800 800 629 or by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here to watch how eMIMSCloud works seamlessly with Fred NXT

Video Based Training – eMIMS Cloud watch and learn

  1. Set your preferences
  2. Getting the very best from your Medicines Search
  3. Managing your History and Favorites to enhance you workflow
  4. Using the Interaction Checker

Video Based Training – Don't Rush to Crush watch and learn

  1. Don't Rush to Crush in Clinical Resources Section
  2. Don't Rush to Crush in Medicines Information
  3. Don't Rush to Crush Searching Made Easy
  4. Don't Rush to Crush Product Information

Paper Based – read on your screen or print, read and do


  1. Learn to set your preferences to support the way you work
  2. Your Guide to eMIMSCloud


SHPA Don't Rush to Crush User Guide

– read on your screen or print, read and do

  1. Your Guide to Don't Rush to Crush

Integrated and simple to use the SHPA’s Don’t Rush to Crush in eMIMSCloud and fits seamlessly into your workflow – the ability to search by brand or generic name and simple navigation to must have information makes this a “must have”.

There is nothing else like it so take a look and see for yourself how much value Don’t Rush to Crush in eMIMSCloud will bring to your daily work.

Remember both eMIMSCloud and Don’t Rush to Crush are included in Pharmacy Board of Australia’s list of essential references for pharmacy practice and combining these two products electronically can reduce your overall costs.

Save yourself time, improve patient safety and be confident your information is the most up to date you can find.

For technical information please visit our Knowledge Base

For frequently asked questions about all platforms of eMIMS please visit here