MIMS Australia and the University of Melbourne collaborated to develop MIMS Drugs4dent®, a reliable, evidenced-based source of drug information for dentists to use at point-of-care.
With drug information constantly evolving, MIMS Drugs4dent® provides up-to-date dental-relevant information on prescription drugs, over-the-counter products and complementary medicines, so dental practitioners will be alerted to the impacts that drugs can have on dental procedures. MIMS Drugs4dent® provides clinical decision support to improve medication safety by including drug and allergy interactions, pregnancy and lactation recommendations, and paediatric dosing guidance for dental indications.
This is a practical tool for dental practitioners to use in everyday clinical practice, to help inform prescribing decisions and assist with safe management of patients with respect to the use of medicines.
Visit the website https://www.mimsdrugs4dent.com/ for more information. Please call Customer Service on 1800 800 629 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to subscribe.