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MIMS updates the medicines data with at least 150 changes to the product information each month. It is very important therefore that users of eMIMS ensure that they have the latest information at their fingertips.

We send an updated eMIMS DVD three times per year – April, August and December. However, in between these releases, the monthly updates are provided on this site.

Full instructions on how to update the eMIMS application are detailed below.


These downloadable eMIMS database updates include the latest changes to medicines information (including availability of new products, changed product information or deletions of product), new product images, CMI updates and updates to MIMS DrugAlert (our interactions checking program).

Update June 2024 to July 2024
Use this set to update eMIMS Classic that has already had the June 2024 update applied.
You must have the June data installed before you can apply the July 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update July 2024
updates June 2024 release only
FullEmimsJul24.exe 43.7 MB

Update May 2024 to June 2024
Use this set to update eMIMS Classic that has already had the May 2024 update applied.
You must have the May data installed before you can apply the June 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update June 2024
updates May 2024 release only
FullEmimsJun24.exe 41.9 MB

Update April 2024 to May 2024
Use this set to update the original April 2024 eMIMS Classic DVD data.
You must have the April 2024 DVD installed before you can apply the May 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update May 2024
updates April 2024 DVD release only
FullEmimsMay24.exe 49.2 MB

Update February 2024 to March 2024
Use this set to update eMIMS Classic that has already had the February 2024 update applied.
You must have the February data installed before you can apply the March 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update March 2024
updates February 2024 release only
FullEmimsMar24.exe 58.2 MB

Update January 2024 to February 2024
Use this set to update eMIMS Classic that has already had the January 2024 update applied.
You must have the January data installed before you can apply the February 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update February 2024
updates January 2024 release only
FullEmimsFeb24.exe 42.3 MB

Update December 2023 to January 2024
Use this set to update the original December 2023 eMIMS Classic DVD data.
You must have the December 2023 DVD installed before you can apply the January 2024 update.

Description Version Filename Filesize Download
Full Update January 2024
updates December 2023 DVD release only
FullEmimsJan24.exe 56.0 MB

Note: eMIMS Classic must not be running while updates are being applied.


There are no reported errata for the current issue of eMIMS Classic