September 2017

New Contraindications

Daktarin Oral Gel (miconazole) is now contraindicated in combination with CYP2C9 substrate coumarin anticoagulants such as warfarin.

Eltroxin (levothyroxine sodium) is now contraindicated with acute myocarditis and acute pancarditis.

Neotigason (acitretin) is highly teratogenic and must not be used by patients who intend to become pregnant within 3 years after cessation of therapy.

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) is now contraindicated with known hypersensitivity to eslicarbazepine.

Victrelis (boceprevir) is now contraindicated in combination with lurasidone.

This list is a summary of only some of the changes that have occurred over the last month. Before prescribing, always refer to the full product information.

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